Physical therapy favored back treatment! Lower back pain, either acute or chronic, just doesn’t affect older people, but you, me, healthy, active people.
“Lower back pain is one of the most common pain problems among patients who visit Kalter PMR” says Matthew Kalter owner / board certified pain specialist of Kalter PMR in Smithtown, NY.
There are many types of effective pain treatments that can give relief to individuals suffering back pain. Physical therapy for instance decreases back pain, increases function, and teaches the patient how to prevent future back problems.
Studies on physical therapy treatment for low back pain show the effectiveness of physical therapy exercise sessions and health advice for individuals with low back pain (pain lasting 6 weeks – 12 weeks). About 80 % of adults experience back pain during their lifetimes, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Patients with low-back pain have a higher rate of recovery according to 150,000 insurance claims.
The study, published in Health Services Research, found the following:
Physical therapy with prescribed exercise beats painkillers, x rays and bed rest — for treating back pain. According to Dr. Matthew Kalter at Kalter PMR found physical therapy intervention more effective than opioid prescriptions.
Low back pain can affect anyone at any age. Low back pain can be caused by malignant disease, spinal malformations, or spinal injury. Treatment for low back such as pain surgery and the use of dangerous drugs such as opioids make physical therapy the most desirable treatment.
Physical Therapy non invasive non surgical back pain solutions: 631-257-1137
Resources: — Immediate Physical Therapy Initiation in Patients With Acute Low Back Pain Is Associated With a Reduction in Downstream Health Care Utilization and Costs